Dream Landscapes in Tallinn Art Hall Gallery

For me, Owe Büttner is an artist who knows the Kingdom of Hereafter. I am of that opinion, because what he has depicted on his paintings is not conveyable to this world. O.B. is a precisely determined colourist. Büttnerish colours are yellow, ochre, brown, mahogany, gray, green. He simply knows that he has a professional grip of these shades and semitones. I instantly drew a perhaps unfounded parallel with Naima Neidre, an Estonian artist of dreams. Neidre is, however, a printmaker. Nevertheless, she is associated with a German artist Büttner via distress and longing shining through their works. The longing to fly... Fly back to another dimension, to the Kingdom of Colourful Feelings. Büttner's "Resurrection" is interesting in its sensitiveness and greenish gray tonality. Though the figural composition, painted on the right side of the canvas, leaves the other side of the picture blank, it precisely reveals the professional skills of the artist. His emptiness is not empty...
I feel sorry for the painting "Light Green Decay". A gross mistake made in placing the canvases only allows to see the lower part of the painting. It sparkled in glaring light of electric bulbs. It was a "dead" painting.
"The War Between Animals and Birds". Büttner is completely novel in using contours. His contours have a painted-through surface, edged by a line. The method enlivens the painting and establishes a relation with its title. Perhaps a little extraordinary kaleidoscopic for Büttner, but it gives a hint of O.B.'s diversity. There are not few among artists who do not value diversity and consider repeating themselves a personal style.
The crown of the exhibition is "Candle Blower". A thorough preliminary work can be felt. The image on the canvas reminded me of a Dutch late autumn landscape. I would have bought this painting. Recalling the show, I detect an intriguing thought. If there had only been this painting at the exhibition, the experience would have been as deep.